A downloadable game for macOS

Presenting Effects Lab! Experiment and play around with a circle and its wiggly tail. Generate a wide range of pixel art effects. Create flames, blasts, blobs and more!!

A proof of concept test game, made with python and pygame, that generates procedural particle effects.

It is strongly recommended keyboard shortcuts are used over the settings menu for ease of use and to enable exploration of combinations that are not possible with the settings menu.

Move MouseMove Orb
Click MouseRadial Blast
BToggle Tail Bloom
GToggle Gravity
FToggle Flame
HToggle Repeat Blast
JToggle Screen Shake
T/Shift + TIncrease/Decrease Tail Length and Bloom Speed
V/Shift + VIncrease/Decrease Flame Volume
A/Shift + AIncrease/Decrease Flame Amplitude
R/Shift + RIncrease/Decrease Flame Rate
W/Shift + WIncrease/Decrease Blast Width
S/Shift + SIncrease/Decrease Blast Speed
D/Shift + DIncrease/Decrease Blast Duration
Z/Shift + ZIncrease/Decrease Screen Shake Duration
X/Shift + XIncrease/Decrease Screen Shake Intensity
TabToggle Fullscreen
, or EscQuit

AuthorAndrew Towell
Made withpygame
TagsEffects, game-effects, pygame
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Effects Lab.zip 10 MB

Install instructions

After downloading the package and opening the zip, right click on the application. Click "Open" at the top of the menu bar that appears. A pop up window should then appear, asking if you are sure you want to open the application. Click "Open" again. The game may take a few seconds to start up.

Distributed under the MIT licence

Copyright Andrew Towell 2023

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